80/20 Rule on Social Media

80-20 Rule on Social media

This week I thought I would address a mistake that I see SO many companies making with their social media strategies: ONLY selling their products and achievements on social media. If you have had a social media class with me, you know this one of my pet peeves. I always preach:

The 80/20 Rule

Sell your product/services/achievements 20% of the time, but the other 80% should be free
original, valuable or entertaining content. 

Companies that are not creating original, fun and entertaining content are really missing the mark on social media. Why would I follow your blog, Twitter account, Facebook page, Instagram or any other social media account, if I can go onto your website and see what you’re selling?

On social media, people like to be entertained. The Geico Camel commercial, for instance, is entertaining. That blue-black or gold-white dress that went viral was captivating because it brought a new light to perception and reality. Really, what color was it? The ALS challenge made sane people dump buckets of ice water on their heads. This was innovative and raised over $100 million in donations. The challenge wasn’t asking for direct donations, but it created awareness. In turn, people donated to the challenge. That’s how social media works.

Social media is about creating FREE content.

Social media is about creating awareness.

Social media is about maintaining relationships.


Social Media Tips and Tricks

1.)   Be strategic in your content creation. Don’t do too much. Only be on as many social media channels that you can handle.

2.) Dive deep into the social media channels that you are using for your brand

3.) Always define your message.

4.) Always define and use the keywords that you are optimizing your for you social media and content.

5.) Vary the type of content you are posting.


Tweets of the Week

Email Marketing Campaigns can be a huge advantage for some companies…http://wp.me/p5BNBT-14   

What’s a Good Email Open Rate & Click Rate? [Benchmark Data]http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/email-open-click-rate-benchmark … via @hubspot@gsosk

“But you want to know what takes real courage? Keeping your mouth shut no matter what you might be feeling.” 

Kick Your Social Strategy Into Overdrive: The Ins & Outs of Testing Social Media http://buff.ly/1DlXgxj 

Love this! Student loan refinancing will save you money – if you don’t actually need it http://wpo.st/qH260   


Articles of the Week

Converse Breaks ‘Made By You’ Campaign 

The Difference Between Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing

Return on Optimism

6 Tips to a Strong Community Content Strategy

3 Reasons Social Media Content Strategy Continues to Evolve


My Question of the Week

Tweet me

What type of content does your brand create on social media? What type of content do you enjoy seeing on social media

***This post was originally sent as an email to my email subscribers***

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